
Rest in Peace
Blanche Barrow
Jan. 1, 1911 - Dec. 24, 1988

Blanche Caldwell Barrow was raised in a loving, religious and law abiding home. Then she met Marvin Ivan "Buck" Barrow, brother of the notorious Clyde Barrow. They fell in love and got married. Because of her love and loyalty to her husband, she spent four months of bloody hell, on the run, then to watch as her husband was dying of a bullet wound to the head. She was shot at. She stepped over the bloody bodies of dead officers. She ran for her life. She was forever blinded in one of eye from glass shards. Her dreams of a normal life had turned into a nightmare. She became a fugitive as a member of the "Bloody Barrows" otherwise known as the Bonnie & Clyde Gang. She spent nearly 5 years in prison. All for the love of one man.
These are her pictures.


Click here for new updated Parker Family Tree.

New videos added to the Gibsland Virtual Theater:Bonnie Parker- Starring Dixie Sedgwick Teenage Bonnie & Clyde - A Comedy. Hilarious!

 Temporarily out of stock. Will update when available.

Our good friend Frank Ballinger has been wonderful about sending visitors this direction. If by chance you have not visited his site, please do. It is the best on the web.

Last Update: April 23, 2015
Original website established January 2006.
